(317) 672-0488 4950 W 34th ST. Indianapolis, Indiana-46224


nabiha mahmood as principal
Nabiha Mahmood, Principal of Alilm Weekend School

Our Mission


To develop and expand each student’s knowledge of Allah (SWT), man, society, and the Universe.

Islamic Awareness

To develop each student’s level of Islamic awareness and foster a sense of belonging to the Islamic community both locally and worldwide.


To prepare each student to assume his/her role as Allah’s vicegerent (khalifah) with faith, knowledge, righteous conduct, and selfless service.

Islamic Environment

To establish an Islamic environment with a high degree of moral values and discipline among students.


To provide opportunities for Islamic education to adults working with the school and establish avenues for their contributions and involvement.


To develop the Islamic character and personality according to commands and guidelines of Al-Quran and Sunnah of prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

What is AL-ILM Weekend School?

We teach the Quran in easy, memorable and positive ways. We introduce students to the means and ways of our beloved prophet Muhammad (PBUH) – living and loving the lifestyle.

From 2022, We welcome students in our study program from kindergarten through 12th grade. Classes are on every Sunday from 11am to 1.30pm. It is Structured, in-person Quranic Studies and Islamic Studies classes for each grade separately. Your children learn Islam and get to know fellow Muslims in a beautiful, growing and engaging community.

Our Goals

Teaching Quran

Nourish children with the beautiful knowledge of the Quran and teachings of our beloved prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Taking Care

Surround children with the AL-ILM Community that knows them, cares for them, and continues to be with them.

Citizens of the World

Develop children into good Muslims and wholesome citizens of the world.

Our Team Members


AL-ILM Weekend School provides an environment for your child to learn and love Islam and Islamic lifestyle in modern world. We teach the Quran in easy, memorable and positive ways — Allah’s love, His wills, and what He expects of us.
Quick Links
Contact information
4950 W 34th ST. Indianapolis,


(317) 672-0488

[email protected]

© 2024 AL-ILM Weekend School. All Rights Reserved.