(317) 672-0488 4950 W 34th ST. Indianapolis, Indiana-46224

About Us

About AL-ILM Weekend School

AL-ILM Weekend School is a place and time where children learn that Allah loves them so much! The school provides a warm fellowship and an inviting community to the students and their parents. We get together, we learn, we pray, and yes, we play. Al ILM Weekend School offers the environment for learning Islam and knowing Muslims in a diverse and engaging community.
Al-ILM Weekend School
We believe in building the foundation of Islam in every child. AL ILM has comprehensive, age-applicable, structured, and creative studies of the Quran and Sunnah. We teach students from Pre-K to 10th Grade grade in separate classrooms every Sunday.

Time spent at AL ILM becomes life-long lessons in our students. As they grow older, our informed students get closer to Islam, to their fellow Muslims and to all people of God.

Our ByLaws


AL-ILM Weekend School provides an environment for your child to learn and love Islam and Islamic lifestyle in modern world. We teach the Quran in easy, memorable and positive ways — Allah’s love, His wills, and what He expects of us.
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Contact information
4950 W 34th ST. Indianapolis,


(317) 672-0488

[email protected]

© 2025 AL-ILM Weekend School. All Rights Reserved.